Download fjord PAR data as NetCDF files.
This functions queries the FTP server where the NetCDF files are stored. It will
retrieve the one file that matches the name provided to it via the fjord
argument. Note that these files can be multiple gigabytes in size.
- fjord
Expects a character vector for one of the 8 available fjords. See
for the list of possible choices.- layer
The layer of data the user wants to download. The default "PAR_B" will download monthly bottom PAR data, "K_PAR" will download monthly values for the light extinction coefficient (i.e. K_PAR) in the water column, "ClimSD" will download the standard deviations for the monthly climatologies, and "YearlySD" will download the standard deviations for the yearly climatologies. Note that if monthly K_PAR data are chosen, the file will be saved as e.g. "kong_MonthlyKpar.nc". "ClimSD" and "YearlySD" data will also have this character string appended to the file name. Whereas PAR_B data will be saved simply as e.g. "kong.nc". NB: Only the "PAR_B" data contain the full list of metadata variables.
- dirdata
The directory where the user would like to download the data.
The downloaded NetCDF file contains the following variables:
- bathymetry
depth [m]
- land
elevation [m]
- area
PixelArea_km2 [m]
- AreaOfCoastalZone
Surface of Sea floor with a depth of between 0 and 200 meters [km2]
# Choose a fjord
fjord_code <- "kong"
# Download it
# NB: One should provide a permanent directory when downloading a file.
# \donttest{
fl_DownloadFjord(fjord_code, dirdata = tempdir())
#> ---> downloading fjord kong
#> kong.nc downloaded in directory /tmp/RtmpPW1nrz
# }