Extract geo-parameters from a NetCDF file downloaded by FjordLight
Given a NetCDF file downloaded via fl_DownloadFjord
this function extracts the central longitude and latitude for that site,
as well as the surface are in km^2 for the shallow zone (< 50 m deep) and coastal
zone (< 200 m deep).
- fjord
Expects the object loaded via
A named vector containing the following items:
- site_average_longitude
The central longitude of the fjord [degree decimals]
- site_average_latitude
The central latitude of the fjord [degree decimals]
- AreaOfCoastalZone
The surface area of the grid cells with a depth of < 200 m [km^2]
- AreaOfShallowZone
The surface area of the grid cells with a depth of < 50 m [km^2]
# Load data
fjord_code <- "test"
fjorddata <- fl_LoadFjord(fjord_code, dirdata = system.file("extdata", package = "FjordLight"))
# Load geo-parameters
geo_params <- flget_geoparameters(fjorddata)
# Convert to a data.frame if desired
geo_params_df <- t(as.data.frame(geo_params))